Additional i43x A/D module required to measure voltages21
Amplifier/Filter outputs made available at Hd44 connector for end user monitoring25
Product SummarySummary
This Amplifier (not A/D) module provides 6 differential voltage input channels (Ch#1/2...#11/12)40
, each of which are independently software programmable with Windows software that support the direct connection to many common sensor types
This module does not contain an A/D converter, and therefore internally routes measured voltage to an i43x A/D module anywhere in card cage. At least one i43x must be installed in order to measure a voltage with this module.
Each channel provides several independent analog low pass filter options: 0.006KHz / 2poles, 4KHz / 2poles, or FullBandwidth
Voltage input range on each channel is independently software programmable to one of: ±5mV, ±10mV, ±20mV, ±40mV, ±80mV, ±300mV, ±600mV, ±1.2V, ±2.5V, ±5V, 0 to 40mV, 0 to 80mV, 0 to 2.5V, 0 to 5V
Each channel provides the following software programmable parameters: A/D Signal-Averaging-Per-Point (0 ... 100mSec)3
, Sample-Rate (samples-per-second-per-channel)17
, Analog Low Pass Filter (0.006KHz / 2poles, 4KHz / 2poles, or FullBandwidth)2
, Digital IIR Filter (LowPass, HighPass, BandPass, or BandStop)55
, Voltage Measurement Range (±5mV...±5V)1
, and Sensor Type13
Each input channel passes through it's own amplifier with a software selectable voltage gain of 1 or 64, and optional analog low pass filter. After this treatment, these are made available at Hd44 connector pins #17..#22 for purposes of end user monitoring, in addition to possible internal digitizing by A/D25.
Excitation power (+3.3V ±0.2V, <220mA, 37mA per sensor max) is provided for sensors, along with other End User Power voltages. This 3.3V, which is referenced to instruNet Ground, is automatically readback by A/D when calculating sensor values.
The 20mA sink digital I/O port consists of 4 individual TTL-compatible lines (Ch#25...#28), each of which can be configured as: digital input bit, digital output bit, control output, clock output43
. When configured as an input, a channel can be used to sense a digital high (2.1 to 30 Volts) or digital low (-10V to .65Volts). When configured as an output, a channel can be set high (e.g. >2V) or low (e.g. <0.8V). These I/O pins are short-circuit protected against high voltages up to 32.0V and down to -16.0V.
This Amplifier (not A/D) module provides 6 differential voltage input channels (Ch#1/2...#11/12), each of which are independently software programmable with Windows software that support the direct connection to many common sensor types
Voltage input range on each channel is independently software programmable to one of: ±5mV, ±10mV, ±20mV, ±40mV, ±80mV, ±300mV, ±600mV, ±1.2V, ±2.5V, ±5V, 0 to 40mV, 0 to 80mV, 0 to 2.5V, 0 to 5V
Internal A/D
This module does not contain an A/D converter, and therefore internally routes measured voltage to an i43x A/D module anywhere in card cage. At least one i43x must be installed in order to measure a voltage with this module.
Each channel provides the following software programmable parameters: A/D Signal-Averaging-Per-Point (0 ... 100mSec)3
, Sample-Rate (samples-per-second-per-channel)17
, Analog Low Pass Filter (0.006KHz / 2poles, 4KHz / 2poles, or FullBandwidth)2
, Digital IIR Filter (LowPass, HighPass, BandPass, or BandStop)55
, Voltage Measurement Range (±5mV...±5V)1
, and Sensor Type13
Differential Only
Single-ended (SE) wiring involves measuring the voltage between the input pin and instruNet Ground; whereas Differential (DI) wiring involves measuring the voltage between two input pins
Protected Voltage
-18 to +18V
Short any combination of voltage input channels to external -18 to +18V power source (i.e. capable of high current), instruNet power on or off, any duration, without damage
Analog Low Pass Filter
0.006KHz / 2poles, 4KHz / 2poles, or FullBandwidth
Each channel provides several independent analog low pass filter options. "FullBandwidth" refers to no filter, which involves running the channel at it's full bandwidth as notes in the Voltage Accuracy table
RFI Filter
124 KHz RFI filter
RFI filter is a low pass filter that rejects high frequencies that could cause small measurement errors if left unfiltered
Digital Filter
LowPass, HighPass, BandPass, or BandStop
Each channel provides optional digital IIR lowpass, highpass, bandpass and bandstop filters with independent software programmable cut-off frequency, minimum dB stopband attenuation, maximum dB passband attenuation, and filter type (e.g. Elliptic, Chebyshev B, Chebyshev S, and Butterworth). Number of poles/zeros (i.e. "filter order") is programmable between 2 and 3255
at a maximum sample rate of 166K sample/sec for 1 channel on largest voltage input range. More channels at same voltage input range involves slower rates, e.g. 83Ks/sec per channel for 2 channels, 41Ks/sec/ch for 4 channels, and 20Ks/sec/ch for 8 channels. For a details on maximum sample rate and bandwidth with different voltage input ranges, sensor types, and a/d averaging61
; see absolute accuracy specification tables below (e.g. Voltage Accuracy). Things that decrease High Speed I/O sample rate: longer computer to instruNet cable, i330 optical-isolator. Sample rate is set accurate to 50 ppm (e.g. user specifies 20000 s/sec yet system actually digitizes at 20001 s/sec). Minimum sample rate is 0.015 samples/sec/ch.
Sensor Excitation
Excitation power (+3.3V ±0.2V, <220mA, 37mA per sensor max) is provided for sensors, along with other End User Power voltages. This 3.3V, which is referenced to instruNet Ground, is automatically readback by A/D when calculating sensor values.
Electrical Specifications, Analog Voltage Input, iNet-423
All voltage input pins must be driven with a voltage between -5 and +5V, with respect to instruNet ground. instruNet ground = instruNet chassis = earth ground via power supply 3rd prong
< -80dB typ
Crosstalk from one channel to another depends on sample rate and frequency of applied signal, and is typically < -80dB; i.e. -80dB = 20 * log (1 / 10000). For example, one can apply a 10Hz 10Vpp sinewave to Ch1 on the ±5Vrange, apply 0 Volts DC to Ch3 on the ±2.5Vrange, digitize both at the maximum sample rate, and see < 1mVpp sinewave on Ch3, in a typical case. The amplitude of this sinewave would decrease with slower sample rates, and increase with higher sinewave frequencies.
Input Coupling
Measure constant DC voltage or dynamic AC waveform with absolute voltage accuracy
Input Impedance
Internal 100MΩ resistor (5% accuracy) between input pin and instruNet ground reduces fluctuating measurements when input pin is left unconnected
Current Pump
Input pin connects to internal amplifier IC (not multiplexor), and therefore does not pump current when switching between channels
Input leakage current
1.0 nA max at 37°C
This is a small current that flows out the voltage input pin and into the end user circuit. It has little effect unless measuring small voltages (e.g. expecting accuracy better than ±100uV) with a high source impedance (e.g. > 2K Ω). Maximum leakage is 1.0 nA at 37°C, and 0.5 nA at 25°C.
Input Circuit
RFI filter + Instrumentation Amplifier
Voltage input pins connect directly to internal instrumentation amplifier IC (AD8221ar), after passing through an RFI filter
Common Mode Rejection Ratio
≥ 110dB on ≤ ±80mV range ≥ 80dB on > ±80mV range
CMRR is the amount of rejection of a common signal that is present on both inputs of a differential measurement. Theoretically, it should not be measured because the differential measurement looks at the voltage between two pins; however small internal imbalances cause a small error, which is specified here with a DC to 60Hz common mode signal.
Software Control
instruNet hardware is calibrated66
when the system is reset (i.e. press RESET button, load .prf configuration file, or start instruNet software), and when the system is software calibrated (i.e. press CALIBRATE button, issue software calibrate command, or set up software to calibrate every X minutes59
instruNet Scalar I/O and High Speed I/O60
interface subroutines execute on Windows Computer via instruNet World, Visual Basic, C, Labview, or DasyLab software. Scalar I/O reads or writes 1 value at a time; whereas High Speed I/O reads or writes multiple values (i.e. a waveform) at a fixed rate (i.e. sample rate).
Maximum # of Channels
Up to 256
instruNet system (iNet32/64.dll ≥ v3.0) supports simultaneous high speed I/O to/from computer with 1 to 256 I/O channels70
Maximum Waveform Size
Limited by Computer
Continuously digitize into Windows computer RAM or into file on Windows computer hard disk62
. Maximum file size is limited by available space on hard disk. Data consumes 4 bytes per point.
Scalar I/O Benchmark
50 to 300uSec typ
Scalar I/O60
typically requires 50 to 300uSec to read 1 value from 1 voltage input channel with 0 mSec of a/d averaging. This increases by the amount of a/d averaging (e.g. 1050 to 1300uSec for 1mSec of a/d averaging)
The 20mA sink digital I/O port consists of 4 individual TTL-compatible lines (Ch#25...#28), each of which can be configured as: digital input bit, digital output bit, control output, clock output. When configured as an input, a channel can be used to sense a digital high (2.1 to 30 Volts) or digital low (-10V to .65Volts). When configured as an output, a channel can be set high (e.g. >2V) or low (e.g. <0.8V). These I/O pins are short-circuit protected against high voltages up to 32.0V and down to -16.0V.
Multiple Options
Software programmed to one of: digital input bit, digital output bit, control output, clock output. Clock output options are: 24MHz, 12MHz24
, 6MHz, 1.5MHz, 1MHz, 375KHz, 100KHz, 94KHz, 23KHz, 10KHz, 5.9KHz, 1.5KHz, 1KHz, 366Hz, 100Hz, 92Hz, 23Hz, 10Hz, 5.7Hz, 1.4Hz, 1Hz, 0.358Hz, 0.0894Hz. Control output options are: pulse low when rd/wr to Uio 25..28 port, pulse low when read from Uio 25..28 port, pulse low when in software reset or power is off.
digital data at a maximum sample rate of 166K sample/sec for 1 channel. More channels involve slower rates, e.g. 83Ks/sec per channel for 2 channels, 41Ks/sec/ch for 4 channels, and 20Ks/sec/ch for 8 channels. Things that decrease High Speed I/O sample rate: longer computer to instruNet cable, i330 optical-isolator. Sample rate is set accurate to 50 ppm (e.g. user specifies 20000 s/sec yet system actually digitizes at 20001 s/sec). Minimum sample rate is 0.015 samples/sec/ch.
Maximum Update Rate
41Ks/sec for 1ch
Update 1 output channel at 41K sample/sec. More channels involve slower rates, e.g. 27K sample/sec per channel for 2 output channels
TTL Compatible
Supports 0.8V for logic 0 and 2V for logic 1, which is typical for TTL
3.3V CMOS Compatible
Supports 1.1V (3.3V*.35) for logic 0 and 2.3V (3.3V*.7) for logic 1, which is typical for digital Cmos powered by 3.3V
5V CMOS Compatible
Supports 1.75V (5V*.35) for logic 0 and 3.5V (5V*.7) for logic 1, which is typical for digital Cmos powered by 5V
Drive Relay Directly
Wire one side of external relay coil to power supply (e.g. 5V), wire other side to I/O pin, and output logic 0 to turn on relay
Detect Switch Closure
Wire one side of external switch to gnd, wire other side to I/O pin, input logic 0 when switch is closed, and input logic 1 when switch is open
Electrical Specifications, Universal Digital I/O, iNet-423
Functions properly when working with -10 to +30V between the I/O pin and instruNet gnd, where each bit is set up as an input or output
Protected Voltage
-16 to +32V
Short any combination of I/O pins to external -16 to +32V power source (i.e. capable of high current), set up as input or output (0 or 1), instruNet power on or off, without damage
Auto-Reset, 30 Milliamp
Internal fuse on each I/O pin opens during > 30mA over-current condition, and automatically closes otherwise
"0" Input Voltage
-10 to +0.65V
Applying -10 to +0.65V is read as logic 0 when I/O pin is configured as input
"0" Input Current
Amps = (4.5V - Vin) / 3900
External signal must sink internal 3.9K resistor to < 0.65V to input logic quot;0". 3.9KΩ pull-up resistor is internally attached to 5V via diode
"1" Input Voltage
+2.1 to +30V
Applying +2.1 to +30V is read as logic 1 when I/O pin is configured as input. If left unconnected this pin floats to 4.5V.
I/O pin configured as an output sinks current low to 0.3V...0.8V with 0 to 5mA load; or sinks low to 0.3V...2V with 5 to 20mA load
"1" Output Voltage
I/O pin floats to 3.9V...4.5V via internal 3.9K pull-up resistor connected to internal 5V via diode
"1" Output Current
See "1" Input Current
Outputting a 1 is the same as configuring the bit as an input; see "1" Input Current, above, for details
Pull-Up Resistor
3.9KΩ ±10%
Internal 3.9K resistor pulls pin up to 4.5V via diode (little current flows if pin voltage > 4.5V)
Current Sink IC
See for details on this npn transistor that sinks current low to gnd
Schmitt Trigger Input
Insures that a slow moving input signal with noise is not seen as vibrating between 0 and 1 when transitioning between the two
Input Delay
< 0.7 uSec
Schmitt trigger circuit adds < 0.7uSec delay between voltage at I/O pin, and internal version of digital input
Output Fall Time
0.02 uSec @ 100 pF typ, < 1.3 uSec @ 1K pF
Output transitions from 2V to 0.8V in approximately 0.02uSec with 100 pF of capacitive load
Output Rise Time
1.3 uSec @ 100 pF typ, < 4.9 uSec @ 1K pF
Output transitions from 0.8V to 2V in approximately 1.3uSec with 100 pF of capacitive load. To reduce this time significantly, attach a resistor (e.g. 1K Ω) between I/O pin and +5Vpwr pin24
Output Oscillation
Output will not oscillate with any capacitive load
instruNet Scalar I/O and High Speed I/O60
interface subroutines execute on Windows Computer via instruNet World, Visual Basic, C, Labview, or DasyLab software. Scalar I/O reads or writes 1 value at a time; whereas High Speed I/O reads or writes multiple values (i.e. a waveform) at a fixed rate (i.e. sample rate).
Maximum # of Channels
Up to 256
instruNet system (iNet32/64.dll ≥ v3.0) supports simultaneous high speed I/O to/from computer with 1 to 256 I/O channels70
Maximum Waveform Size
Limited by Computer
Continuously input into Windows computer RAM or into file on Windows computer hard disk62
. Maximum file size is limited by available space on hard disk. Data consumes 4 bytes per point.
Scalar I/O Benchmark
50 to 300uSec typ
Scalar I/O60
typically requires 50 to 300uSec to R/W 1 value to/from 1 bit or a bank of multiple I/O bits
Bit or Bank Control
Either R/W one bit (0 or 1 value) at a time, or R/W multiple bits within one bank (e.g. 0...255 value with one 8bit bank)
Latching I/O
Internal register reads all input bits within one bank at same time, and updates all output bits within one bank at same time
Channels #25...#28: universal I/O bits, 0 or 1 value, scalar input/output, no high speed i/o, 20mA sink
Bank Software Channels
Uio25_28 In Uio25_28 Out
Channel #29: bank of 4 bits, 0...15 value, scalar input/output, high speed input Channel #30: bank of 4 bits, 0...15 value, scalar input/output, high speed output
Each input channel passes through it's own amplifier with a software selectable voltage gain of 1 or 64, and optional analog low pass filter. This pin provides access to the output of that amplifier & filter25.
The iNet-423 module supports quantity 6 Voltage devices wired Differential (not SE).
Absolute Accuracy is specified as a percentage of measured value PLUS a fixed offset. It is the sum of the following errors components, each in their worst case (we are conservative): Intergal Nonlinearity (INL), Differential Nonlinearity (DNL), system noise (ground input, digitize, and see noise), gain/offset temperature drift, gain/offset time stability drift, gain/offset initial offset error, 1.0nA max leakage current (at 37°C) times 50Ω user source impedance error, and voltage reference temperature/time drift 66
. Noise offset error is modeled as 3 times the Noise RMS value (99.7%). Absolute Accuracy is the same as Maximum Worst Case error. For Typical error, divide maximum by 2.
Absolute accuracy is shown with both a gain and offset component, where the offset error is independent of the input voltage, and the gain error is porportional to the the input. For example, if one measures 2Volts and the absolute accuracy specification is ±(1% + 3mV), then one could expect ±(1% * 2V + 3mV) = ±23mV accuracy.
Calibration: These specifications assume 1 year since Factory Calibration, instruNet hardware ambient temperature is between 13 and 33 °C, and instruNet hardware temperature changed 1°C since its last self-calibration 59
Software Programmable Parameters
Each channel provides the following independently programmable parameters:
Absolute Accuracy is specified as a percentage of measured value PLUS a fixed offset. It is the sum of the following errors components, each in their worst case (we are conservative): voltage measurement errors as described above, cold junction compensation (supplied automatically by instrunet) error, polynomial linearization error, 0.2°C instrunet screw terminal temperature change since last autocalibration. Absolute Accuracy does Not include errors from the actual Thermocouple device. Absolute Accuracy is the same as Maximum Worst Case error. For Typical error, divide maximum by 2.
These specifications assume signal averaging per point is No Integ for all rows3
These specifications assume analog low pass filter is set to 0.006 or 4 KHz for all rows2
Measurement of thermocouples Requires that an i51x Wiring Box be attached to the i4xx Module, and that the thermocouple leads are attached directly to the i51x screw terminals (for automatic Cold Junction Compensation).
The measured thermocouple temperature is a function of the instruNet hardware screw terminal temperature and the voltage measured across the thermocouple. Therefore, an additional temperature measurement error of 1°C occurs for each 1°C change of the instruNet screw terminal temperature since the last instruNet auto-calibration (where it measures screw terminal temperature) 59
. For example, if the instruNet hardware auto-calibrates when it's screw terminals are at 23°C, and they then heat up 3°C before another auto-calibration, then all thermcouple measurements will return a temperature that is 3°C higher than expected. One can program the instruNet to auto-calibrate once every 1 to 1000 minutes.
These specifications assume the thermocouple device is grounded at the instruNet (e.g. the end user connects an external wire between the i51x Vin Minus (Vin-) and GND screw terminals).
Calibration: These specifications assume 1 year since Factory Calibration, instruNet hardware ambient temperature is between 13 and 33 °C 59
Software Programmable Parameters
Each channel provides the following independently programmable parameters:
Absolute Accuracy is specified as a percentage of measured value PLUS a fixed offset. It is the sum of the following errors components, each in their worst case (we are conservative): voltage measurement errors as described above, readback of excitation voltage error, sensor self heating error, external shunt resistor self heating error, external shunt resistor initial accuracy error, instruNet input impedance variation error, 1.0nA max leakage current (at 37°C) times user source impedance error, polynomial linearization error. Absolute Accuracy does Not include errors from the actual Thermistor device. Absolute Accuracy is the same as Maximum Worst Case error. For Typical error, divide maximum by 2.
These specifications assume analog low pass filter is set to 0.006 or 4 KHz for all rows2
instruNet connects directly to all types of Thermistor's.
The end user must supply one external shunt resistor per channel (i.e. this resistor is not included with i4xx or i51x products).
The end user must supply Steinhart a/b/c coefficients, unless working with YSI/Omega 4xx or 4xxxx series thermistors 23
instruNet provides a fixed 3.3V excitation voltage which is accurately readback in order to calculate °C.
These specifications assume an i51x Wiring Box is attached to the i4xx Module, and that the device leads are attached to the i51x screw terminals (for accurate readback of 3.3Vref). The i51x can be attached directly to the i4xx front panel; or a cable can be placed between the i4xx and i51x wiring box (e.g. ≤ 5meters, 44 wire, point-to-point) without degradation of accuracy.
Calibration: These specifications assume 1 year since Factory Calibration, instruNet hardware ambient temperature is between 13 and 33 °C, and instruNet hardware temperature changed 1°C since its last self-calibration 59
Software Programmable Parameters
Each channel provides the following independently programmable parameters:
Absolute Accuracy is specified as a percentage of measured value PLUS a fixed offset. It is the sum of the following errors components, each in their worst case (we are conservative): voltage measurement errors as described above, readback of excitation voltage error, sensor self heating error, external shunt resistor self heating error, external shunt resistor initial accuracy error, instruNet input impedance variation error, 1.0nA max leakage current (at 37°C) times user source impedance error. Absolute Accuracy does Not include errors from the actual RTD device. Absolute Accuracy is the same as Maximum Worst Case error. For Typical error, divide maximum by 2.
These specifications assume signal averaging per point is No Integ for all rows3
These specifications assume analog low pass filter is set to 0.006 or 4 KHz for all rows2
instruNet connects directly to all types of RTD's.
The end user must supply one external shunt resistor per channel (i.e. this resistor is not included with i4xx or i51x products).
instruNet provides a fixed 3.3V excitation voltage which is accurately readback in order to calculate °C.
These specifications assume an i51x Wiring Box is attached to the i4xx Module, and that the device leads are attached to the i51x screw terminals (for accurate readback of 3.3Vref). The i51x can be attached directly to the i4xx front panel; or a cable can be placed between the i4xx and i51x wiring box (e.g. ≤ 5meters, 44 wire, point-to-point) without degradation of accuracy.
Calibration: These specifications assume 1 year since Factory Calibration, instruNet hardware ambient temperature is between 13 and 33 °C, and instruNet hardware temperature changed 1°C since its last self-calibration 59
Software Programmable Parameters
Each channel provides the following independently programmable parameters:
Absolute Accuracy is specified as a percentage of measured value PLUS a fixed offset. It is the sum of the following errors components, each in their worst case (we are conservative): voltage measurement errors as described above, readback of excitation voltage error, 1.0nA max leakage current (at 37°C) times user source impedance error. Absolute Accuracy does Not include errors from the actual Load Cell device. Absolute Accuracy is the same as Maximum Worst Case error. For Typical error, divide maximum by 2.
instruNet connects directly to all types of Load Cell's.
These specifications assume the device has been calibrated at the 0 point. This "balancing" involves appling 0 force and then telling instruNet to "balance bridges" via a software command. Subsequently, instruNet automatically subtracts this voltage from future measurements.
120Ω devices are typically not used due to excess heating at the device (3.3V / 120Ω = 27mA, 90 mWatts). ≥ 350Ω devices are preferred (3.3V / 350Ω = 9mA, 31 mWatts).
instruNet provides a fixed 3.3V excitation voltage which is accurately readback in order to calculate Kg.
These specifications assume an i51x Wiring Box is attached to the i4xx Module, and that the device leads are attached to the i51x screw terminals (for accurate readback of 3.3Vref). The i51x can be attached directly to the i4xx front panel; or a cable can be placed between the i4xx and i51x wiring box (e.g. ≤ 5meters, 44 wire, point-to-point) without degradation of accuracy.
Calibration: These specifications assume 1 year since Factory Calibration, instruNet hardware ambient temperature is between 13 and 33 °C, and instruNet hardware temperature changed 1°C since its last self-calibration 59
Software Programmable Parameters
Each channel provides the following independently programmable parameters:
Absolute Accuracy is specified as a percentage of measured value PLUS a fixed offset. It is the sum of the following errors components, each in their worst case (we are conservative): voltage measurement errors as described above, readback of excitation voltage error, external shunt resistor self heating error, 1.0nA max leakage current (at 37°C) times user source impedance error. Absolute Accuracy does Not include errors from the actual Strain Gage device. Absolute Accuracy is the same as Maximum Worst Case error. For Typical error, divide maximum by 2.
instruNet connects directly to all types of Strain Gage's.
The end user must supply 2 external shunt resistors if working with a half bridge and 3 external resistors if working with a quarter bridge (i.e. these resistors are not included with i4xx or products).
These specifications assume the device has been calibrated at the 0 point. This "balancing" involves appling 0 force and then telling instruNet to "balance bridges" via a software command. Subsequently, instruNet automatically subtracts this voltage from future measurements.
120Ω devices are typically not used due to excess heating at the device (3.3V / 120Ω = 27mA, 90 mWatts). ≥ 350Ω devices are preferred (3.3V / 350Ω = 9mA, 31 mWatts).
instruNet provides a fixed 3.3V excitation voltage which is accurately readback in order to calculate μS.
These specifications assume an i51x Wiring Box is attached to the i4xx Module, and that the device leads are attached to the i51x screw terminals (for accurate readback of 3.3Vref). The i51x can be attached directly to the i4xx front panel; or a cable can be placed between the i4xx and i51x wiring box (e.g. ≤ 5meters, 44 wire, point-to-point) without degradation of accuracy.
Calibration: These specifications assume 1 year since Factory Calibration, instruNet hardware ambient temperature is between 13 and 33 °C, and instruNet hardware temperature changed 1°C since its last self-calibration 59
Software Programmable Parameters
Each channel provides the following independently programmable parameters:
Absolute Accuracy is specified as a percentage of measured value PLUS a fixed offset. It is the sum of the following errors components, each in their worst case (we are conservative): voltage measurement errors as described above, readback of excitation voltage error, instruNet input impedance variation error, 1.0nA max leakage current (at 37°C) times user source impedance error. Absolute Accuracy does Not include errors from the actual Potentiometer device. Absolute Accuracy is the same as Maximum Worst Case error. For Typical error, divide maximum by 2.
instruNet connects directly to all types of Potentiometer's.
instruNet provides a fixed 3.3V excitation voltage which is accurately readback in order to calculate Eu.
These specifications assume an i51x Wiring Box is attached to the i4xx Module, and that the device leads are attached to the i51x screw terminals (for accurate readback of 3.3Vref). The i51x can be attached directly to the i4xx front panel; or a cable can be placed between the i4xx and i51x wiring box (e.g. ≤ 5meters, 44 wire, point-to-point) without degradation of accuracy.
Calibration: These specifications assume 1 year since Factory Calibration, instruNet hardware ambient temperature is between 13 and 33 °C, and instruNet hardware temperature changed 1°C since its last self-calibration 59
Software Programmable Parameters
Each channel provides the following independently programmable parameters:
The iNet-423 module supports quantity 6 Current devices wired Differential (not SE).
Absolute Accuracy is specified as a percentage of measured value PLUS a fixed offset. It is the sum of the following errors components, each in their worst case (we are conservative): voltage measurement errors as described above, readback of excitation voltage error, external shunt resistor self heating error, external shunt resistor initial accuracy error, instruNet input impedance variation error, 1.0nA max leakage current (at 37°C) times user source impedance error. Absolute Accuracy is the same as Maximum Worst Case error. For Typical error, divide maximum by 2.
Absolute accuracy is shown with both a gain and offset component, where the offset error is independent of the input voltage, and the gain error is porportional to the the input. For example, if one measures 2Volts and the absolute accuracy specification is ±(1% + 3mV), then one could expect ±(1% * 2V + 3mV) = ±23mV accuracy.
The end user must supply one external shunt resistor per channel (i.e. this resistor is not included with i4xx or i51x products).
instruNet hardware measures the voltage across an external current shunt resistor. Both sides of this resistor must be within ±5 Volts of instruNet GND at all times.
Calibration: These specifications assume 1 year since Factory Calibration, instruNet hardware ambient temperature is between 13 and 33 °C, and instruNet hardware temperature changed 1°C since its last self-calibration 59
Software Programmable Parameters
Each channel provides the following independently programmable parameters:
Absolute Accuracy is specified as a percentage of measured value PLUS a fixed offset. It is the sum of the following errors components, each in their worst case (we are conservative): voltage measurement errors as described above, readback of excitation voltage error, external shunt resistor self heating error, external shunt resistor initial accuracy error, instruNet input impedance variation error, 1.0nA max leakage current (at 37°C) times user source impedance error. Absolute Accuracy is the same as Maximum Worst Case error. For Typical error, divide maximum by 2.
Absolute accuracy is shown with both a gain and offset component, where the offset error is independent of the input voltage, and the gain error is porportional to the the input. For example, if one measures 2Volts and the absolute accuracy specification is ±(1% + 3mV), then one could expect ±(1% * 2V + 3mV) = ±23mV accuracy.
The end user must supply one external shunt resistor per channel (i.e. this resistor is not included with i4xx or i51x products).
instruNet provides a fixed 3.3V excitation voltage which is accurately readback in order to calculate Ω.
These specifications assume an i51x Wiring Box is attached to the i4xx Module, and that the device leads are attached to the i51x screw terminals (for accurate readback of 3.3Vref). The i51x can be attached directly to the i4xx front panel; or a cable can be placed between the i4xx and i51x wiring box (e.g. ≤ 5meters, 44 wire, point-to-point) without degradation of accuracy.
Calibration: These specifications assume 1 year since Factory Calibration, instruNet hardware ambient temperature is between 13 and 33 °C, and instruNet hardware temperature changed 1°C since its last self-calibration 59
Software Programmable Parameters
Each channel provides the following independently programmable parameters: